
Color-ヘアカラー, スタッフブログ

Everyone needs to fix color faded and damaged hair!!!

hi!! I’m Shiori Taniguchi working for TONI&GUY EBISU as a colorist.

It’s already end of August now.…

Oh my god I really miss crazy humid summer—!!!haha

I hope everyone had good summer!

I would like  to share this picture today.
Those pictures are before color.

You can see the ends are dry and looks too yellow
She went to beach a lot during summer break.

That’s why color is so faded.
So she needs to fix the color!

I chose  ash color for her

Looks really nice and healthy:)

I also did the hair treatment to her hair too!

Dry and damaged hair really needs hair treatment!!

If anyone needs to fix the hair color,

Please let me help you
I will definitely try to do my best!

Color-ヘアカラー, スタッフブログ