
Color-ヘアカラー, スタッフブログ

Hair Color makes people “HAPPY”

Hi I’m Shiori Taniguchi working for TONI&GUY EBISU as a colorist.

Today I’d like to tell you the story about “the hair color makes people happy”

This is Ms.Monna from Canada.

She is really friendly and always make us smile:)

Ms.Monna alway choose the hair color that makes people happy
 Look!! I put purple lowlights in her hair.

She is working at international school as a counselor.

She always say,

“I wanna make people happy”

“I wanna communicate with lots of students ”

“A teacher you can talk to easily is the best ”

So that’s why she always chooses a color that’s a little fantastic. 

She told me that some students are always wondering Ms.Monna’s next hair colour 

She always tells me about these episodes of her hair color. 

This makes me think about how fantastic hair color is.

It makes me feel that I have to do my best and do even better at the same time. 

If anyone wants to change their style and have some kind of original color, 

please let me help you! 

I will definitely do my best to please you and your hair! 

Color-ヘアカラー, スタッフブログ