
English blog, スタッフブログ, 広尾サロンよりお知らせ

Preventing Coronavirus…

Thank you for using Toni & Guy Hiroo Salon!

Some of you might have some concern about our sanitation against Coronavirus …

We wanted to share with you our sanitation, cleaning, and prevention towards viruses.

As of February, we’re wearing facial masks at all times.

And we carry【 ioneair 】at all the time.

This card will be on sale at the salon, sometime in March.

We have a sanitizer at the reception area…

Combs and brushes are sanitized by UV ray before usages.

Facial brushes has been banned… so we have tissues for you…

Each station is clean with alcohol after each time.

The combs are sanitized with alcohol before each client.

We want you to feel safe and secure while your visit the salon.

Look forward to see you soon!!!

English blog, スタッフブログ, 広尾サロンよりお知らせ